You can add custom emoji for your organization. Like
default emoji, custom emoji can be entered into the compose box by name, or
selected from the emoji picker.
You can also quickly respond to a message by using emoji reactions.
Type :, followed by a few letters from the emoji name, to see autocomplete
suggestions. The letters don't have to be at the beginning of the emoji name.
For example, :app will match both :apple: and :pineapple:.
Type the full emoji name followed by :, or select an emoji from the list of
Under Emoji settings, select Convert emoticons before sending.
The list of supported emoticons is available
What you type
:octopus: :heart: :zulip: :)
What it looks like
Use an emoji in a topic name
You can use unicode characters in topic names, including unicode
emoji. Each platform has a different way to enter unicode
emoji. Custom emoji cannot be used in topic
Your emoji set determines how you see emoji. It has no effect on the emoji
you send. Zulip emoji are compatible with screen readers and other accessibility tools.
Under Emoji, select Google,
Twitter, Plain text, or Google blobs for the emoji theme.
Google blobs is an old style of Google emoji that has not been maintained
by Google since 2017, when they switched to a more modern style. Zulip allows
you to still use blob emoji, but any new emoji that have been released since
2017 will be displayed in the modern Google style.